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Fly lab - Research

Cell Type Specification During Eye Development

A fundamental problem common to the development of most sensory systems is the generation of functionally distinct neuronal cell types. The visual system constitutes a unique model to study the generation of cellular diversity within an otherwise homogeneous neuronal population. We use the fly retina to dissect signaling events that regulate the late phase of eye development, in particular those that control the selective expression of different rhodopsin genes in distinct photoreceptor (PR) subtypes. In many cases it has been shown that factors important for the development of the fly retina may also play a role in the vertebrate retina. Thus, in addition to the elucidation of basic developmental processes, our studies will aid the development of tools to fight eye diseases in humans.

Understanding Neurodevelopmental and Neurodegenerative Disorders

Drosophila melanogaster can be employed as a convenient model to perform functional investigation of human disease genes as the fly genome contains more than 75% orthologous disease-causing genes in its genome. We study novel mutations in several human genes in order to understand their role in neuronal development, establishment of network connections, and consequent behavioral outputs. We aim to illustrate how these genetic factors can deregulate brain function and cause intellectual disability. We apply RNAi gene silencing, and CRISPR/Cas gene editing tools to introduce desired genetic alterations to Drosophila orthologs and perform behavioral, structural, and functional analyses. Understanding the mechanism of action underlying such genetic mutations will help to shape the basis of therapeutic strategies.

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